Hack you subconscious brain & develop better habits for nutrition

Today we will review the value of understanding how habits are formed, why our brains go into “auto mode” and how we can rewire our brain to help develop better habits over time. I am sure you have heard plenty of times that 90% of health deals with what we have in the kitchen and […]
Nutrition timing ; what is it all about?

I get a lot of questions about nutrition timing, how big of an impact does this have on weight loss, gain , & performance. Well it depends. There are different variables that need to be kept in the back of our minds when deciding to try a new type of nutrition tool. First off this […]
The Power of EPOC & Metabolic Pathways

Last week’s blog post we discussed metabolism and several ways to make our metabolism work more efficiently with actions that anyone can take to improve overall calories being burned through out the day. This week let us stay in the same direction and talk about what exactly is our energy sources that we use and […]
What is Metabolism exactly? How can I make improves to mine?

Does our metabolism slow down over time due to age? The answer is yes, but it depends on certain variables. Most people gain weight when getting older. Why is this? Several factors due to less physical activity overtime, long work hours and other priorities, lack of nutrition focus, and higher stress levels. There is a […]
What Are The Signs Of Overtraining ?

Do you keep up with month after month of training, but you seem like you are not hitting your mark or goals like you planned? Busting your butt at the gym but not getting the return you expected? Do you feel like your determination to work out is fading and it is just a struggle […]
Intermitted Fasting 101

The subject of intermitted fasting comes up frequently when maneuvering through all the different dieting types. What are the benefits of intermitted fasting? Will it help me drop body fat? Is there different types of intermittent fasting? My clients usually asking these questions when they are working on finding the right balance for themselves and […]
All about the protein!

The power of protein to repair and rebuild tissues in the body is amazing feat. Our body usually does not use protein as a main energy resource, usually protein is put to better use; let us look at all the benefits that protein has for us!Protein is made up of amino acid linked together with […]
All About That Carbohydrate Intake !

You will notice a lot of attention when it comes to carbohydrates. Endless amounts of information talking about how low-carb diets are better for you than a well-balanced plate. The fact is we need carbohydrates, our bodies go to energy source, that need to be constantly replenished. If we do not replenish this storage consistently, […]
What’s with eating fat and what it does it do for our body ?

Updated: May 7 What is the deal with fats and how does it work in our bodies? All your questions that you might have will be explained today. Lets dig right into the nitty gritty good stuff.Lipids is a group of compounds that include triglycerides (fats & oils), phospholipids, and sterols. Structurally, triglycerides are three fatty […]
Get your breathing on track!

When we breathe it is important that we are breathing right. You think ” I am pretty sure I am breathing like any regular person would breath,” the fact is when we are born we diaphragm breath and we slowly unlearn the technique. There are many benefits that when breathing properly or trying particular techniques; we can reduce […]